Welcome to Cheshire mini lops. We are based in Northwich, Cheshire. We started to breed mini lops in summer 2010. Breeding mini lops gives us great satisfaction and pleasure .My daughters and myself are British Rabbit Council members and we have started to show at local rabbit shows, my eldest daughter is showing and is doing well. We are aiming to specialise in oranges, fawns and choc torts. We plan to introduce black foxes and chins very soon. Our lines have mainly come from Phyllis Chell and Burybank lops.
All our bunnies are our pets and are loved very much by myself and the children. Our mini lop rabbits are handled daily by children and our aim is to breed high quality mini lop rabbits,who are sociable,friendly and make ideal pets.Every penny made goes back into the upkeep and welfare of the rabbits.Rabbits will not leave until they are at least 8-10 weeks old. The rabbits will not be sold to anyone under the age of 16,unless accompanied by a responsible adult.At Cheshire minilops we recommend vaccinations against Myxi and VHD,please see your local vet for more information . PLEASE NOTE WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU VACCINATE YOUR RABBITS AGAINST VHD2 IF UNSURE PLEASE SPEAK TO ME...
All our bunnies are our pets and are loved very much by myself and the children. Our mini lop rabbits are handled daily by children and our aim is to breed high quality mini lop rabbits,who are sociable,friendly and make ideal pets.Every penny made goes back into the upkeep and welfare of the rabbits.Rabbits will not leave until they are at least 8-10 weeks old. The rabbits will not be sold to anyone under the age of 16,unless accompanied by a responsible adult.At Cheshire minilops we recommend vaccinations against Myxi and VHD,please see your local vet for more information . PLEASE NOTE WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU VACCINATE YOUR RABBITS AGAINST VHD2 IF UNSURE PLEASE SPEAK TO ME...
Site updated 26th April..... KITS READY TO GO NOW..... ****Lots of babies available...please ring...****

Huddersfield show where lucy got BIS junior for the Yorkshire lop with Harry ...

Lucy winning Best in show Junior with her lionhead Taylor March 2016....

Derek best in show U/5 in the NMLRC at London Champs October 2017 also Best in show Junior in the NMLRC...