Mini lop babies for sale. Babies will not leave the nest until at least 8 -10 weeks. Babies are ready to reserve from 6 weeks and a £20 non refundable deposit will secure rabbit of your choice,babies are from £50 each a weeks supply of food,advice and support.Please remember if you are thinking about buying a rabbit,make sure you have the time and commitment,a rabbit is totally dependent on you with regards to their health,happiness,you will need to provide love,care and attention for many years.
If you cannot find what your looking for please ring ,if i havent got it,i may know someone who will...
We have kits in the nest please ring me for more details.....Ready now and various dates in Oct/Nov Kits ready to go now...bucks and does.
We have adult doe rabbits ready to go to forever loving homes , very placid , gentle and tame , various colours , please ring me for more info....
Mini lop babies....we have babies in various colours-
Sooty fawn
Beige,Beige butterfly,
Choc torts,
Blue eyed whites,
Please contact me to see what we have available-
Orange kit... Blue fox.....
Although every effort is made when sexing our kits,which are checked regulary,sexes are not 100% guaranteed.....